Welcome to CertAssure
Is your product safe, durable and compliant? What about the materials that it is made from? Is the timber from sustainable sources? What are the working conditions of the factory which makes the products?
CertAssure certification is your assurance these questions and more have been asked and the product complies with the relevant standards. Our CertAssure standards set out comprehensive requirements to provide manufacturers, importers, retailers and consumers confidence that products comply with stringent requirements for safety, sustainability, ethical sourcing and quality.
Our technical experts can assist you to meet the necessary requirements to market your product in Australia and New Zealand, with rapid assessments and advice to get your products to market faster.
We also certify products to comply with retailer specific requirements, providing retailers with confidence your products comply with their strict criteria and making it easier to get your products on range sooner1.

Product Certification
CertAssure Product Certification provides manufacturers, importers, retailers and consumers with assurance products comply with stringent requirements for safety, sustainability, ethical sourcing and quality control.
CertAssure runs comprehensive product certification schemes for the following product categories:
- Domestic Furniture and Bedding
- Commercial Furniture and Bedding
- Homewares and Decorator
- Electrical Equipment
- Toys
- Bathroom Products
Contact us about getting your product CertAssured today!

LeatherAssure™ Certification
Whether it is a lounge, dining chair or bed, genuine leather furniture commands a premium in the market and can represent a big investment for a consumer. It is important to ensure leather is:
- Genuine - not a cheap synthetic substitute
- Safe – complies with applicable standards for toxic chemicals
- Durable – will exceed the expectations of performance
CertAssure’s LeatherAssure™ Certification delivers confidence to your customers and will clearly distinguish your premium product from fake and poor performing material in the market. Leather submitted to CertAssure is tested to international standards and must be compliant with strict criteria.
Don’t accept inferior substitutes! Contact CertAssure today to test and certify your leather.

TexAssure™ Certification
Fabrics and face-coated synthetic textiles contribute significantly to the durability and long-term look of a product. Abnormal wearing, fading or finish failure of the textiles can cut short the life of an otherwise good product – resulting in customer dissatisfaction. Additionally as the surfaces most often in skin contact with users, it is important to have assurance the textiles conform with toxic chemical standards.
CertAssure’s TexAssure™ Certification provides manufacturers, importers and retailers with assurance the textiles used on a product will comply with the necessary standards to be fit for purpose for their customers.
Textiles submitted to CertAssure are tested to the relevant standards based on the textile construction and must compliant with strict criteria for durability (including colourfastness depending on the end-use of the textile) and toxic chemicals. CertAssure certifies textiles used on furniture, bedding, decorator and accessories.
Provide your customers with confidence, get your textiles TexAssured today!

Due Diligence Assessment
There are a multitude of requirements to access to Australian and New Zealand marketplaces including compliance with Australian, International, industry and regulatory standards. It can be difficult to understand all the labelling, testing and certification that products must have before they can be imported or sold to consumers. Unknowingly selling non-compliant products substantially increases the risk to your business. CertAssure’s Due Diligence Assessments can make this process far easier by clearly identifying the applicable requirements for a product and evaluating the product’s compliance with them.
By leveraging our specialised product knowledge, CertAssure can further reduce risk by customising our due diligence solutions, tailoring criteria to the commercial needs of your business.
So if you are looking to manufacture, import or retail a product, contact CertAssure to assist you with performing product Due Diligence.

Consultancy Services
Effectively managing product risk requires specialised knowledge and systems. Absent or ineffective systems can lead to problems which cause significant financial and reputational loss to your business.
CertAssure is available to offer consultancy services2 relating to product Compliance, Sustainability, Quality Assurance and Responsible Sourcing. Our team includes experts in these fields and can assist you with advice on:
- Improvements to the quality or safety of products
- Developing and implementing quality control systems
- Developing and implementing timber due diligence systems and risk assessments
- Developing and implementing ethical sourcing and modern slavery systems
1 CertAssure’s retailer specific requirements give them assurance your products are compliant with their policies, but CertAssure makes no guarantee your products will be ranged by a particular retailer. Retailers hold final discretion on the products they range.
2 Please note CertAssure’s services do not include or constitute legal advice and we recommend you contact a qualified legal practitioner for any legal matters.
For More Information
To find out more about our certification processes or the
services we offer, contact us via the link below.